I am like a leaf
Floating aloof...
Going where the breeze takes me.
I am shed from the tree,
Heaven up above!
Picked up by the breeze of life
Sometimes I fly high
On wings of happiness
Sometimes I crash
With the burdrn of pain
I am like a leaf
Lying on the ground
When there is no breeze to carry me
I am stamped upon
Crushed and humiliated
Worn out like a dried leaf
Waiting for the breeze to carry me again
Take me with it
Let me float and settle
As I reach my final abode
Arti D. Honrao at:

Me furrst!! Commenting on my own poem :D Glad to see it here as ur had mentioned! You can check "Forever yours" too, u'll like it. It was posted by "Miguel" ~ Michael from Mexico on his blog :) My poem happens to be the only English post on his blog :)
Just inquisitive ...
How did u manage to copy it from my blog? You re-typed or used some other technique?? Cause I have disabled right click and select options :)
Very deep and moving.
Thanks for sharing that beautiful
poem. The music was beautiful also.
Beautiful poem...just voices my sentiments right now!
Wow, that was amazing. Thanks for sharing.
...and thanks for the visit and your kind words.
i read this on Arti's blog itself... and yes i agree... this is quite good! Kuan! and the picture with it is quite a sight, lonely, vulnerable... and yet quite strong!!
Beautiful and meaningful words.first I wanted to be that leaf to just fly away in the breeze, but as I read on I did not want to be the leaf being trampled on. Isn't life like that sometimes.we want only the joy and not the pain.
Hi Kuan I cannot tell you the encouragement that I found in reading the comments that where posted as a result of my poem at your blog spot, It was very hard for me to post the poems because it really is exposing a part of my heart, I write poems constantly and I now think I will post a few more on my blog for sure, after all we miss out on a large part of life if we don’t take risks. Also Arti D. Honrao I really like the descriptions in your poem it leaves much to the imagination and a great picture too! And Kuan thank you very much for the comments at my blog spot!
Well arti, you made me type it...I'll check out Forever Yours...thank you and thank you for letting me post this here...
thank you jeffrey...your Walking is very, very good...
thank you to all that commented on this beautiful script...another mighty pen
Wow! Thats such a beautiful poem tho it contains an element of sadness.
thanks 4 stopping by
Well! AS I come here and read the comments I realze .. am not the first person to comment :) That's nothing as compared to what I felt after reading the comments on my poem here ...
Just one word -
very nice
really goes well with that pic
i wanna get away, i wanna fly away...
birds are so lucky, it must be such a rush to fly
lovelu poem.. :) read on arti's blog furst.. though tellin it here too
Thanks for the bday wishes!
I am not an avid poetry reader, but I love coming to your blog to check out what you have put up. Your choice is excellent!
beautiful poem!
Guess it defines life!!..
We'r all leaves...floating away where life takes us!
kuan, have you checked out Neers' March 2005 entries, havent met this babe, but have already begun to think, that she is quite a deep one!
i also came across this:
amazing pictures!! :) "strictly for my friends"(.. quite a long name, we need a nick now!) is right, you do have excellent choice!!
magik...neers is definitely one of my favorites...I've read all of her blogs...she indeed has a mighty pen...thank you...great talent
You're welcome keshi...
I agree anand...thank you
Thank you strictly for my friends...there are some powerful writers out there and I love putting my favorites on here...it is sincerely appreciated...
I'd sincerely appreciate anyone who knows of some great writers out there...
Oh my God!! Did you write this, this is simple beautiful.
Cant help but identify with this poem, its good, really good.
hi Kuan... it is really heartening to be appreciated by stranger friends!! :) thank you for stopping by every now and then... it does get lonely in this crowded cyber space quite sometimes!
and Kuan, sure you can post anything from my blog!
Thank you neers...
chistabelle...thank you too for visiting!
Very thoughtful poem. It made think a while...Am I like a leaf ? I wonder now...
There's a sense of resignation..a feeling of drifting away...quite sad :( but it's a good depiction of life in reality..
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