Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Fallen Flowers

There on a misty morning, the sun slowly rises,
After the battle of Halidon Hill.
There lies her youngest son,
tears in his eyes
Wounded and dying,
she hears him still.

Mom, if I could live my life again
If I could call the world my friend
If I could write the story's end...I would
I would give all these things in vain
just to hold you once again.

A smile comes to his face, an uneasy calm
In front of him, his life flashes by
Amidst his boyish charm,
In that pointless moment, he hears her say;

Son, if I could roll back the years,
If I could see through these tears,
If I could face all my fears,
I would
I would give all these things in vain
Just to hold you once again.

Remember me forever
( I'll be here forever)
Please forget me never
( I'll be here forever)

If I could roll back the years,
If I could see through these tears,
If I could face all my fears,
If I could live my life again,
If I could call the world my friend,
If I could write the story's end,

I would

I'd live a thousand years of pain,
Just to hold you once again.

Hollie Smith

"Light From a Distant Shore"


Zhihao said...

U made a very succinct n meaningful blog here.

I like it.

Zhihao said...

Drop me a msg if u wish at ...