Sunday, November 20, 2005

Mary Magdalen

"What is matter? Will it last forever?

"The Teacher answered:"All that is born, all that is created, all the elements of nature are interwoven and united with each other. All that is composed shall be decomposed; everything returns to its roots; matter returns to the origins of matter. Those who have ears, let them hear."

Peter said to him: "Since you have become the interpreter of the elements and the events of the world, tell us: What is the sin of the world?

"The Teacher answered:" There is no sin. It is you who make sin exist, when you act according to the habits of your corrupted nature; this is where sin lies. This is why the Good has come into your midst. It acts together with the elements of your nature so as to reunite it with its roots." Then he continued: "This is why you become sick, and why you die: it is the result of your actions; what you do takes you further away. Those who have ears, let them hear."

The lost gospels of Mary Magdalen on Jesus of Nazerene

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