Sunday, February 05, 2006


I breathe the midnight wind from the West,
wanting the odor of Lake Superior to fill my nostrils.
I can not sleep for tonight I miss my children,
tonight I miss my home.

I try to think of words that will capture the loneliness I am feeling.
The day half spent, I sit for a while in solitude thinking about what I have done.
At what cost do I have happiness?

Tonight is just one of many nights
I lie awake and contemplate what I have done.
The pain and tears my leaving caused.
Conscience- stricken guilt- ridden,
how will I ever sleep peacefully again?

The same sorrow, the same headache haunts
me in the night as I anguish over leaving my children behind...
I breathe the midnight wind from the West,
wanting the odor of home, my home to fill my nostrils and
give me serenity so that I may sleep soundly once again.

To the midnight wind of the West I offer a prayer of love
and understanding, a prayer to forgive me; their Mother
for being human; carry this prayer West wind to the hearts of my children.
May they feel my love deeply.


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